Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Support Keep Australia Beautiful Week

With only just over half the total 43.5 million tonnes of waste Australians produce each year being recycled, we all need to find ways to help increase the amount of waste we reuse and recycle instead of simply throwing it away.

Whilst around 90% of households have access to kerbside recycling and 99% of people say they are participating in some form of re‑use or recycling at home, we continue to produce waste at unsustainable levels.

A major challenge for us all is to find ways that we can recycle more when we are away from home. By recycling more when we are out and about, it means our rubbish can instead be recycled into new products. This reduces our use of natural resources and means less rubbish in landfill.

Many councils, venues and businesses are introducing public place recycling bins, so it’s up to us all to do our bit and start recycling our empty drink bottles and cans, rather than throwing them in the rubbish bin. And, if you can’t find a public recycling bin nearby, then make the small but valuable effort to take your empty containers home for recycling.

As part of their involvement in Keep Australia Beautiful Week, Principal Sponsor Hungry Jack’s will be launching a three-month beverage container recycling trial with the support of Coca- Cola. Look out for the brightly coloured recycling bins in selected Hungry Jack’s stores, as well as other public place recycling bins in your local area.

Check out the KAB Week website pages to download a wide range of tips and resources to help ensure you are recycling right, and to find out what your rubbish is being ‘reincarnated’ into.

You can also be a get involved by organising a litter count in your neighbourhood and organise a Tidy up. Click here to see how.

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