Monday, August 2, 2010

Lighthouse Acting Local + Global

Lighthouse - the young adults group of the Ablaze Service have been rolling up their sleeves to put their actions where their mouths are - by serving Brisbane. But their cause is two-pronged - serving Brisbane in a really practical way, and fundraising for a Global Cause. Find out more as Melissa Ke, one of Lighthouse's community service coordinator tells us the story.

What did you guys do?

Essentially, we had a two-pronged approach - contributing towards both a local and global cause.

We cleaned up a park in Inala (which included scrubbing the dirty BBQ pit until it was squeaking clean!). After the clean up, we cooked a up simple BBQ and played some games as our well-earned treats!! So it was good for bonding and fellowship too!

People contributed $5 towards the event. Half of that went towards costs of the BBQ, and half went towards building a house in the Watoto Village to help build homes for orphans in Uganda.

What were some of the highlights of the day?
Getting together to focus on others - to serve our community and impacting a community overseas. We had a lot of fun having a small competition to see which group would collect the most trash and there were bags full! We got to get rid of sharp objects, broken beer bottles - just to name a few dangerous items in a family park!

Would you recommend this activity for another group?
YES! It is simple to organise, creates awareness about both global and local issues. It is something groups can keep doing in different local parks. It was relatively cheap to execute. Administration wise, it was also quite easy! All in all a great activity to bring the group together!

Any low-lights of the day?
The day was so fun and rewarding we wish more people would have come! Especially more friends of our members. (We had 20 attend on the day).

Congratulations Lighthouse! You've contributed 80 hours towards 500 hours of serving Brisbane!

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