Thursday, September 16, 2010

Keeping folks warm in winter!

In July this year, a group of young adults helped beat the winter blues for folks living on the streets of Brisbane. We talk to Becky Lee (from Ablaze Lighthouse) who was in charge of the project.

What did you guys do?
We basically organised an appeal within the Ablaze working adults group to collect winter clothing, blankets and other daily necessities for people in need who live right in our very own backyards!

We worked with CityCare Brisbane who provide direct services to these people, many who are homeless.

The Family Group heard we were doing this and generously donated HEAPS of things!

Sounds like an easy and effective project to organise! What were the highlights?
I was blessed by the genuine interest of my friends in church for those who are in lack and their generosity to do what they can to donate generously!

Also it was a bonus to meet people with kingdom-minded perspective who've been faithful to what God has called them to by taking care and meeting real needs of people who are on the fringe of the society.

I think we all learnt from this simple activity how blessed we are and we can all make a difference in our community just by paying attention to the immediate needs of people and playing our part in supporting them.

If someone wants to do similar things in future, what would you advise them?
This is so easy and effective - it is just a matter of doing some research on the charities you want to work with. And give plenty of notice and friendly reminders to people whom you are collecting from!!

If you don't know where to start, CityCare Brisbane is a good place to start! They already do a lot of good community work so its just a matter of jumping on board and seeing how we can add value!

Thanks again Lighthouse and Family Group! Through all your blanket and winter clothing collecting, sorting, and donating.. you have contributed over 50 hours towards the 500 hours campaign!

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