Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Little people, not litter people!

They may be young, but they're unstoppable! Justin Chan from Voltage (Ablaze) tells the story of enthusiastic highschool students hitting the streets of Sunnybank... no, not for chinese food... but to clean up its streets! They did this in March as part of Clean Up Australia Day.

So what did you guys do?
We gathered the youth in high school to participate in Clean Up Australia Day. We chose to clean up Sunnypark Shopping Centre. We walked around in groups of 3 and 4, walked around picking up bottles, cans, cardboard boxes, chip packets and anything not organic lying on ground. After we cleaned up we took a well deserved break with some ice-blocks and took our bags of rubbish to the collection point at granadilla park.

Tell us some highlights of the day?
  • Competing with other groups for who could fill up the most bags of rubbish...
  • Hanging out with others and doing some good for the community...
  • Seeing people stare at us like we're crazy haha...
  • Young people getting involved in something besides playing computer games or hanging out in a shopping centre
  • We also had some other youth join us who are not apart of our life groups
Would you recommend this activity to others?
Definitely! Be prepared to pick up a lot of rubbish! Its not usual to see people pick up rubbish (esp if you're a bunch of young people!)... so you will get quite a few odd looks from people! But hey... its a good deed so it doesn't matter!

One tip though... wear thick, water proof gloves! We were given material gloves which is not good when it has just rained and all the rubbish is wet (yuk!)

Guess you guys learnt the hard way... thanks for the tip! It looks like they had a ball! And they were each rewarded with an ice-block! What a great way to end end a day of hard yakka! :)

Well done guys! You've contributed 75 hours towards 500 hours!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Our "Professional" cleaners on ABC news!

Two weeks ago, a group of working professionals from Hope Church, Brisbane rolled up their sleeves and went out to participant in the annual Yes We Care initiative organised by Kenmore Baptist Church, support by the Lord Mayor Campbell Newman.

Some of our friends from the New Generation group were interviewed by ABC news on the day.

Last Saturday, more than 2000 volunteers unites for Yes! We Care day, when 600 householders were assisted.

Erica Platt was one. "They're helping me out because plants have got away from me and they're growing all over the fence line, so hopefully I'll have a nice tidy yard by the time they've finished!" she said.

Erica was amazed when a group of about seven youths wielding secateurs and clippers knocked on her to offer their help.

"I couldn't believe it!," she said. "I thought I was getting one man and maybe a lad or something like that."

"Their blood's worth bottling - they can come again," she laughed.

Read the full article.