Saturday, May 29, 2010

Yes We Care!

On Saturday 29 May, about 50 enthusiastic volunteers went out to lend a helping hand to residents living in South-West. Despite the rain, they were ready to clear the yard, clean out gutters and do some gardening. They started with a hot breakfast at Kenmore Baptist Church before heading out to do work. Click here to see some pictures from the day.

Yes We Care takes place once a year in May. Go to for more information on how you can register for 2011 . Stay tuned for more stories from the individual groups to come!

Well done guys. You guys have contributed 200 hours collectively towards 500 hours!

Monday, May 24, 2010

"500 hours"

The '500 hours' campaign is all about harnessing the sum of each person's effort to serve Brisbane. The campaign will end on 5 September 2010. So if you're thinking about doing some community service as a group, get in before 5 September and make it count towards 500 hours!

Be a part of this exciting venture to collectively achieve 500 hours of serving Brisbane! Every little bit counts!

To register your interest, click here. Be quick to get your group together and plan something... you know how fast time flies!

Every little bit counts!!

Every act of kindness creates a ripple of no logical end - Scott Adams